Chapter 13 – Nose and Nose Gear
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Current status 5/30/11 – This weekend hopefully putting ŌlidÕ on the nose section and calling it done with Chapter 13. IÕve installed the plans design, non-improved brakes and master cylinders (versus Dennis Ollman lay-down brakes), and struggled with getting all the linkages aligned on the left side, particularly the mount on the inside nose wall.
NG-30, with the thicker profile per newsletter #85. |
Side view of NG30Õs clamped together, with Steve Wright retractable nose gear brackets visible |
Floor contour lines – I should have cut a template for use here, and contouring the sides, but not a big hassle. |
Routed the contours – rough as you can see. It was a trick not to gouge the soft urethane and try to hold to contour lines - I free-handed cut and seems to have come out ok. |
NG30Õs installed. |
The contoured floor before installation |
Floor installed and glassed. Rudder pedals cut and installed and sides fit (not yet contoured). It seemed strange the rudder rods going through NG-30s had no bushngs or any other hardware. Continuing to follow plans – may lookup Cozy maillist FAQs to see if any issues of wear of rudder rods on glass/foam |
Pitot Tube installation – put Vaseline on neck of tube and floxed in place. |
Now with plans-design brake cylinders and linkages. Note the left side (against the wall) mounting doesnÕt align all the linkages. If I were to do this again, IÕd shim and flox everything down with linkages and master cylinder in place. |
On all threeÕs. |
Flipped with LorneÕs
help. Note pulley arrangement –
it worked. |
Bottom contoured |
Flipped with Kaui, Alex
and NoahÕs help |
Top contoured |
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