Downloads for Long-EZ, Varieze and other Burt Rutan Aircraft


Contributed by members

File Size Description Submitter
Long-EZ Cad drawings 2mb CAD drawings of the Long-EZ bulkheads Tony Malfa
Varieze POH - Third Edition 1979 14mb by Rutan Aircraft Terrry Schubert
Long-EZ POH - First Edition 1980 15mb by Rutan Aircraft Terrry Schubert
Rutan Rollover Plans 18mb Plans for the Long-EZ rollover structure -Rutan Aircraft Terrry Schubert
Army Evaluation - LongEZ 25mb 1983 Army Evaluation of the Long-EZ Paul Krasa
Oshkosh 2007 Cooling/Drag Forum 77mb 2007 Cooling and Drag presentation Terry Schubert and Gary Hertzler Terrry Schubert
Oshkosh 2009 Forum 21mb 2009 presentation Terry Schubert and Gary Hertzler Terrry Schubert
Canard Pusher 1 - 109 26mb Complete set of Canard Pushers newsletters from Number 1 to 109 Terrry Schubert
LongEZ Plans Updater PDF 69mb Document of LongEZ plans changes by plans chapter David Orr

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