SDEZ Fly-In... Success!

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Offline Dan Patch

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SDEZ Fly-In... Success!
« on: June 19, 2005, 12:01:41 PM »
Well, the weather gods smiled on us!  What great weather (finally)!  Slightly sketchy VFR conditions a few places inland before about 8:00 AM, but everywhere else had excellent flying conditions from the get-go, and we had clear skies and perfect temperatures by mid-morning throughout the San Diego air basin.  So that was a relief after suffering through several weeks of heavy marine layer glunk.  

Anyhow, we had four EZ's from out of the SD area make the flight in, which was a record high number as best my memory can recall for our June picnic event - Thanks one and all of our visitors for your support, it was really great to have you make the effort to come!    

David Kolstad (VariEze N506D) and Jeff Gress and his wife (VariEze N34EZ) flew in early in the morning from Whiteman and Fullerton, respectively.  They both took advantage of the chance to get a fresh weight and balance done.  Dave said that it had been twenty years since his last (original) was done, so I suspect there may have been a change since then.   :?  Perhaps his baggage pods are really baby stealth derigibles filled with helium and his plane is lighter!   :D

I also spotted Long-EZ N606TT on the ramp, but not until after lunch when it was time for him to depart.  Beagle’s Sq. III directory (and the FAA) list 6 Tango Tango as belonging to Torger Totusek, also out of Fullerton.  I’m bummed that I didn’t get a chance to visit with Torger!  :cry:  I guess I must have been too heavily involved the the W&B project to be properly paying attention to what was going on – my bad, but next time.

Distance award goes to Bill and Julie Lermer from the Phoenix area - the Lermers are good friends and loyal ex-SDEZ squadron members who have made all or nearly of the Squadron June gatherings in years past. Bill and Julie were the first members of the SDEZ Squadron to finish a VariEze - in 1978 - and they are still flying!  Bill sold their VariEze at one point, and then discovered that life without a VariEze just wasn't EZ, so he bought another Squadron member's plane when it became available.  

Three Long-EZs carrying Trio Avionics’ trio, Chuck Busch, Jerry Hansen and Sid Tolchen arrived together just in time to make the free breakfast for EZ-folk; and they went on to give an outstanding presentation outlining their GPS-friendly autopilot and soon to be released (2-3 weeks) altitude-hold autopilot.  Judging by the mob around their show-and-tell display after the presentation, they certainly captured a lot of interest.  So, again thanks to you guys for your support and fine presentation!

In addition to Dave and Jeff’s VariEzes, three local planes were weighed – Sid Tolchen’s and Al Hodges’ Long-EZs, and an EAA Chapter 14 “Pete-’in-Paul”.  Many thanks to Harry Abbott who made it happen by supplying the computer, a printer, and by crunching the numbers so that everyone had completed documentation; and thanks to Larry Rothrock (EAA 14 Prez, hanger mate and SDEZ Squadron guy) for W&B setup, plane shoving, and tear-down.  Thanks to the many other helping hands for fixing lunch, shoving planes, preparing the scales (that's you Ryan), and all the other tasks that got done!  

So it all came together, the weather was great, we had fun, the presentation was excellent, the atmosphere was relaxed (as was Al Hodges' grip on his Long-EZ, but that’s another story), and I got to meet a new EZ builder (Berkut) and a potential EZ buyer.  I never got anything like a firm head count, but several dozen EZ pilots stood up at the meeting, and plenty more came after that.
VariEze N862DP
(@1970 hrs)

Offline rothrock

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EAA-14 Fly-in/Weigh-in
« Reply #1 on: June 21, 2005, 11:04:13 PM »
Wow! The Canard Fly-in/Weigh-in organized by Delta Poppa at San Diego SDM was great.  Everybody ought to give Dan a round of applause.
If there's enouugh interest we could make it an annual (or sooner) event.

Larry Rothrock
Varieze N82RG

Offline Dan Patch

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SDEZ Fly-In... Success!
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2005, 05:08:44 PM »
Thanks Larry.

It was nice to reestablish our SDEZ Squadron annual picnic/fly-in event, even if June was skating on thin ice re the weather for a coastal airport location - could have been a wipe-out.  

Maybe something similar well after the "normal" flying season is over since our late fall weather can be good; we only expect to draw from SoCal, LAS and PHX; and there won't be other flying events to compete against at that time of year.  (Personal note, I expect that I'll be flying down to Mexico again this year sometime in late Oct.-to mid Nov., so that may not be a good time for me?)  So long as we keep the event informal and low-key it's not a big chore to just get the word out.  

The weigh-in was successful, but more prep/setup/time-spent was more than I expected.  It's a useful service, though.  I thought that the EAA scales were a good deal, albeit a bit of a climb up, because I have some confidence that they are pretty accurate, and no repositioning needed once you're up on 'em.  

I came up with a rough head count of 21 SDEZ Squadron members & spouses, and 5 visitors at the Fly-In (not counting all of the the EAA Chapter 14 regulars, of course).  These numbers are certain to be too low since I definitely didn't meet everybody who came, and/or forgot some of the folks, no doubt.
VariEze N862DP
(@1970 hrs)

Offline Jeffco

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SDEZ Fly-In... Success!
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2005, 01:40:27 PM »
I am sorry I missed the fly-in in San Diego Brown field.  I had every intention of flying down that morning but developed the flu on Friday night and was in no condition to fly on Saturday.  I really wanted to talk to you about painting your ez.  Mine has the original paint from 1982 and is in need.  Hope to meet you sometime soon, looking forward to it.

Jeff Gabrielson
Long ez N141
Hawthorne airport
Long ez N141

Offline Dan Patch

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SDEZ Fly-In... Success!
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2005, 04:15:54 PM »
I... developed the flu on Friday night and was in no condition to fly on Saturday...

Well, coming down with the flu certainly was a major bummer.    :(  :(
We missed seeing you; but it looks like we are likely to do the Fly-in again, so next time.  :)

I really wanted to talk to you about painting your ez.  Mine has the original paint from 1982 and is in need...

Yup, know the problem!  My oldest paint dated to 1981.  The good news is that I shot the last major piece, the canopy, two nights ago with PPG Concept - so the entire exterior has finally been repainted.  The bad news is that the interior needed paint too (mostly chips & wear), but I just didn't have the time/energy to get it done without writing off the summer flying season - NOT! The plane is headed back to the airport this Saturday.   :)

Hope to meet you sometime soon, looking forward to it...  

Well, since you are "just up the block" makes sense to motor down (or up) one of these weekends.  Hanger mate Bill has Sterling poly-urethane on his bird so you can see how it looks next to my acrylic-urethane Concept. (Warning - he's a better painter than I am, and I was using his gun!)

VariEze N862DP
(@1970 hrs)

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SDEZ Fly-In... Success!
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2005, 11:30:58 AM »
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