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Messages - Flynhitim

Pages: [1]
Do you know if your oil pan and sump will fit on a O320 case? Tim

For Sale/Wanted / Re: Stuff for sale
« on: January 06, 2012, 09:40:54 PM »
I'll take that B&C SD8 off your hands call me 602-549-2989. Tim

For Sale/Wanted / Re: O-235 core for sale
« on: December 16, 2011, 08:40:14 PM »
Where is this engine located and details from logs? Tim

For Sale/Wanted / Re: Wanted Long ez Cowls
« on: December 16, 2011, 08:38:38 PM »
I have a brand new pair sitting in my hangar in Prescott AZ, $350.00 Tim 602-549-2989

For Sale/Wanted / Re: Exhaust for a 0-235 Engine
« on: September 17, 2011, 07:18:19 PM »
Forget the Cato three blade, just put a 6 or 7 inch Saber extension on the crank. Takes a lot of engine noise away immediately.
I'm running a O290D on my Varieze with a new Hertzler prop and 6 inch Saber, I couldn't believe the noise level difference. And I agree a muffler is a no o for performance, If you want quiet by a electric powered aircraft or a Bose headset, Lightspeed are great too.

Hangar Flying / Re: Cleveland Axles, Matco Wheels - Best Wishes - Denver
« on: August 27, 2011, 05:50:11 PM »
Pretty simple, there is a steel washer between the bearing seals and the castle nut. Matco should have these in stock. Tim

For Sale/Wanted / Re: Varieze Parts For Sale
« on: August 05, 2011, 08:26:26 PM »
Interested in the wheel pants, or cell 602-549-2989 Tim

For Sale/Wanted / Re: Wanted: LE propeller (SAE 2. - 7/16" bolts)
« on: May 02, 2011, 10:19:55 PM »
I have a beautiful Silver Bullet (Gary Hertzler) prop for sale. It's a 65x75 Epoxy white prop, will fit your 320 7/16 bolt prop. I also have a 6 inch extension (Saber). Gary will attest to the condition. I'm having him build me a new 63X76 which will work better on my O290D Varieze. The prop new is $1250.00 Extension sell for $640.00. $800.00 for the prop $400.00 for the extension or both for $1100.00. Tim Prescott, Arizona.

San Diego EZ Squadron / Re: Women Sellers
« on: November 26, 2010, 03:50:00 PM »
Here's my two cents, if your trying to buy something and your thin skinned kept the phone docked in it's holder, there is no sexual bias needed in your comment. Which tells me your most likely the wennie in this matter, I've bought and sold thousands of aircraft. Sometimes you pay what you want and somethimes youpay more than you want, get over it and hiding your name tells me something else about you! Tim

For Sale/Wanted / Varieze Carbon fiber Cowls
« on: November 26, 2010, 03:00:13 PM »
I believe someonw out there builds and sells kevlar carbon fiber cowls for the Varieze, can anyone help me find this maker? cell Verizon cell  602-549-2989. Tim

Hangar Flying / Re: What was it like?
« on: October 27, 2010, 07:25:29 PM »
I've been so busy with life and I saw this question several days ago. I wanted to tell my story of my first ride in a Varieze. My Greek wife that was in the flooring and carpet business came home one evening and told me about this guy that she had just sold a whole house full of carpet to. She told me he was a pilot actually a Captain for SW Airlines and thought I should meet him due to my passion for aviation as well. After his flooring was installed we went over for a look at the job and I was invited to go fly with this guy the following day. I meet this guy at Chandler AZ Municiapl Airport the next morning and arrived just as he was opening his hangar. There for my eyes to behold was a tiny two place tandem seated aircraft. I was sleek and so incredible looking, N17EZ which was built by his father who had unfortunately died of cancer several years before. Also in the hangar was a ST1 Pitts. Needless to say he pushed the EZ out of the hangar and said climb in.

After a flip of the prop and the canard lift and gear down, he climbed in and off to the runway we went, no tower at Chandler in those days, out to the runway and off we went, heading south out over the desert of south Phoenix. I don't think we ever got any higher than 500 AGL that day. Over the desert down low at times 50 feet and screaming across the cactus tops. It was the thrill of my life at that time. Needless to say this guy was one incredible dare devil pilot.

I think most of you may know this guy today, he was the youngest pilot to ever make Captain for South West Airlines, later became the Captain of the US World Aerobatic Team and now flies the Red Bull Racer. Mr Kirby Chamblis gave me the inspiration that day to make a career of aviation which continues today from just that one ride in his Varieze. Thanks Kirby I'll never forget that day. T. Mitchell

Hangar Flying / Varieze N6CB
« on: October 09, 2010, 05:30:41 PM »
N6CB, I purchased this machine late Aug. It was built by a David Atwood of Portland does anyone know or have any information on this lovely built machine. I purchased it at Mesa Falcon Field. It is powered by an O290D and I've been told has only flown 70 hours since finished in 1986. i believe Mr. Atwood is no longer with us. The owner I purchased it from is also gone. Tim Mitchell Dewey AZ (

For Sale/Wanted / Re: Berkut complete kit for sale
« on: September 27, 2010, 07:54:57 AM »
Hi love to see pictures of your Berkut and of course what are you asking for this project, needless to say hopefully the pictures will say a thousand words. E-mail Tim Mitchell Dewey Arizona.

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