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Topics - ezeguy440ez

Pages: [1]
San Diego EZ Squadron / Foam wing core cutting
« on: August 02, 2010, 10:03:49 AM »
there is a guy out there that cuts wing and canard foam cores. Please call me or send me his contact info 724 614 9046

Hangar Flying / Canard airplane covers
« on: October 23, 2009, 09:50:06 AM »
Does anyone know where I could have a cover made for MY SQ 2000 It would have to be custome made. I could possibley take a Cozy 4 cover and modify it. dave hanson 724 614 9046

For Sale/Wanted / WANTED cozy 4 main gear bow
« on: September 22, 2009, 04:10:24 PM »
I need a cozy 4 gear bow give me a call 724 614 9046 dave hanson

Hangar Flying / SQ 2000 where are all the kits
« on: June 16, 2009, 06:55:11 AM »
Hi  Everyone
I recently completed a fixed gear SQ2000 and am test flying it now. I am looking for information on anyone that has a kit partially completed or just parts sitting. I would like to find some homes for them or inspre the original builders to complete the kits. If the builder has a fuselage he can finish the kit with out going back to the original source that has gone out of business. The plane is a great plane that I am beginning to explore it flies like a vari eze and can carry lots of stuff I have mine as a 2 seat side by side with a back are for storage. you can see pictures of the plane in progress and flying on Paul Lees site just google sq2000. If you are intersted in building an SQ drop me a line with a phone number to Fly safe and build a little every day.

david hanson
N440EZ Vari ez
N220EZ Vari ez
N440DH Sq 2000

For Sale/Wanted / Exhaust system WANTED
« on: March 18, 2009, 06:14:01 AM »
Looking for an exhaust system 2 into1 old style is fine to fit 0235, 0290, 320, lycoming.Give me a call if you have one or know where i can find one. Got a long eze project I am working on it came with an 0290 G so thats what ill use.I wanted an 0320 but cant afford it right now so it is what it is.
david Hanson
724 614 9046

For Sale/Wanted / Wanted 3 blade Prop for 200 hp
« on: May 11, 2007, 06:53:07 PM »
I have a brand new Sterba prop 70 X 83 for my IO360 200 hp its to big I need a 3 bladed prop for the same hp. Well sell my sterba for $600.00 plus shipping still in box. or make an offer should have measured first LOL I hate it when I do stuff like this. david hanson 724 614 9046

Pages: [1]