Ms Wheezy Flies Again!

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Offline Alan Laudani

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Ms Wheezy Flies Again!
« on: July 06, 2005, 02:25:45 PM »
Delta POP!,
What Thursday are we to meet this month? :?:
Ms. Wheezy had a test flight this last Sunday, the Third. 8) We saw some nice Oil Temps :shock:  and not so nice oil leak :?  from the 0200A accessory case. It seems that I am leaking somewhere. New mag and mag gasket, new B&C alternator with new gasket. B&C Starter with new gasket.  This leak is just like the leak I had last year before I took the engine apart. It blows oil all over the front (we are backward) of the engine such that I can't see the source. I have made some inquiries and now need help. Another set of eyes (and brain to match) to discover the source. I am disappointed. I thought I found my problem.

Offline Dan Patch

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Ms Wheezy Flies Again!
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2005, 10:28:34 PM »
What Thursday are we to meet this month?...

Looking at the calendar, some of us are heading for Oshkosh on Saturday the 23rd, which makes the 21st just too close.  So I'm thinking that next Thursday July 14 makes the most sense.  If there are objections or conflicts with the 14th, let me know on or off line and I'll try to accommodate them if there is a strong preference.  (Note, this is a general call for input from all squadron members.)

Oil leaks can be tough to find.  I've had the most luck inspecting the engine (very carefully!!!) on the ground with the engine running and everything wiped and dried off to start with.  Use sharp eyes.  This won't work if higher power settings are required to cause the leak 'cause it isn't practical to be near the engine with much more than idle power.  Most of all, y'all be extra, extra, EXTRA CAREFUL near that swinging prop!  

If you suspect the seam between the engine and the accessory case you might tape a strip of paper towel around the joint with masking tape and look for a wet spot to develop (haven't tried this, but it just might work?).  Obviously, this is a ground operation also.  

I flew my VEZ on the 4th for the first time since Jan. with new paint on the fuselage, a new main gear fairing, and a fresh annual.  No problems.
VariEze N862DP
(@1970 hrs)

Offline Harry A

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Re: Ms Wheezy Flies Again!
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2005, 11:39:48 AM »
Quote from: "Alan Laudani"
Delta POP!,
 This leak is just like the leak I had last year before I took the engine apart. It blows oil all over the front (we are backward) of the engine such that I can't see the source. I have made some inquiries and now need help. Another set of eyes (and brain to match) to discover the source. I am disappointed. I thought I found my problem.

HI Alan,

Glad to see that you are back in the air. As far as the oil leak goes, I would suggest you try the flourescent dye trick. Lets ask around and maybe we can find someone that has a setup for this stuff.

This is a kit that includes some dye you add to the engine oil and a black light. You clean the engine and add the dye run it checking to see where it first appears with the light.
Harry Abbott

Offline Dan Patch

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Ms Wheezy Flies Again!
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2005, 01:32:37 PM »

I believe that Seth Schlam helped Alan trace a very likely source for the leak  to a very low torque on the mag cover plate bolt(s)... ?  Probably find out more at the meeting tonight. - DP
VariEze N862DP
(@1970 hrs)


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still leaking
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2005, 01:41:12 PM »
I flew yesterday, July 17th and the leak is still there,  :( more oil in less time. half a quart in a little more than an hour. I have a black light and the hangar mate, Phil, has some dye so we just need to get together and "get-her-done!"  :P The leak throws oil up and starboard and aft, which begins at the accessory case and follows the air flow. The good news is the cylinder temp (starboard aft) read less than 400 deg F and the oil Temp read 204 to 213 with OAT of 26 C.

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« Reply #5 on: September 22, 2005, 03:49:21 PM »
Quote from: "Alan Laudani"
Delta POP!,

 When was it called back? :evil: