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Messages - ezeguy440ez

Pages: [1] 2
San Diego EZ Squadron / Foam wing core cutting
« on: August 02, 2010, 10:03:49 AM »
there is a guy out there that cuts wing and canard foam cores. Please call me or send me his contact info 724 614 9046

Hangar Flying / Canard airplane covers
« on: October 23, 2009, 09:50:06 AM »
Does anyone know where I could have a cover made for MY SQ 2000 It would have to be custome made. I could possibley take a Cozy 4 cover and modify it. dave hanson 724 614 9046

Hangar Flying / Re: down draft cooling
« on: October 05, 2009, 06:47:31 AM »
I agree with Bill the tricky part is cooling the oil. Allen I built a down draft system for the plane you have and scrapped it because it got to envolved with cooling the oil and the extra weight. My brother built a custom P51 scoop with 16 Sq in of inlet that projected in front of the gear leg that is comperable to the down draft scoop area and no weight penalty this is a proven system on Kurt Wege VE. I am sure you will see when you pick the plane up. Good Luck Dave

For Sale/Wanted / WANTED cozy 4 main gear bow
« on: September 22, 2009, 04:10:24 PM »
I need a cozy 4 gear bow give me a call 724 614 9046 dave hanson

Hangar Flying / Re: SQ 2000 where are all the kits
« on: June 20, 2009, 09:02:46 AM »
I spoke with Andreas Montgomery he has been advertising a SQ 2000 fixed gear project on Barnstormers. He said that he knows that there are 15 to 20 fuselages molds and parts available. I also spoke with the Cozy Girls and Dennis Oleman and they will support the builders with their products Aero glass will also sell the glass for the projects. If anyone has an interest please feel free to contact me I would be willing to let anyone use my plans. I was in the hangar yesterday and looking at the plane it is truly a beautiful plane. It is not a 4 adult passenger plane with the wing it has. But it is larger inside than the cozy and it fly's like a Vari ez high wing load so the rough air at low altitudes doesn’t throw it around. I will post more on its speeds as I fly it more. I think an experienced builder with time and all the parts can put one together very quickly. But I am the optimist.

david Hanson

Hangar Flying / SQ 2000 where are all the kits
« on: June 16, 2009, 06:55:11 AM »
Hi  Everyone
I recently completed a fixed gear SQ2000 and am test flying it now. I am looking for information on anyone that has a kit partially completed or just parts sitting. I would like to find some homes for them or inspre the original builders to complete the kits. If the builder has a fuselage he can finish the kit with out going back to the original source that has gone out of business. The plane is a great plane that I am beginning to explore it flies like a vari eze and can carry lots of stuff I have mine as a 2 seat side by side with a back are for storage. you can see pictures of the plane in progress and flying on Paul Lees site just google sq2000. If you are intersted in building an SQ drop me a line with a phone number to Fly safe and build a little every day.

david hanson
N440EZ Vari ez
N220EZ Vari ez
N440DH Sq 2000

San Diego EZ Squadron / Re: Repair lonez gear bow
« on: May 26, 2009, 08:40:31 AM »
Bill James I think has an article on it he is the guy that writes the cronicles on this web site the repair maybe even listed on the site.

Hangar Flying / Re: harmonic between 120 -135 knots
« on: May 26, 2009, 06:42:23 AM »
try deflecting both rudders slightly when you notice the harmonic. if it goes away you have trailing rudders.

Mike I will take the exhaust if you still have it. Give me a call 724 614 9046
david Hanson

For Sale/Wanted / Re: Two Lycoming 0-235-L2C engines
« on: March 18, 2009, 06:18:21 AM »
do you have an exhaust system ? if so I am interested.
david hanson 724 614 9046

For Sale/Wanted / Exhaust system WANTED
« on: March 18, 2009, 06:14:01 AM »
Looking for an exhaust system 2 into1 old style is fine to fit 0235, 0290, 320, lycoming.Give me a call if you have one or know where i can find one. Got a long eze project I am working on it came with an 0290 G so thats what ill use.I wanted an 0320 but cant afford it right now so it is what it is.
david Hanson
724 614 9046

Hangar Flying / Re: Max Landing Brake Speed
« on: November 01, 2008, 07:35:59 PM »
I'am almost ready to get my VariEze in the air and was wondering if anyone could tell me the max speed that the landing brake can be deployed.That info is not in the POH that I have and a friend who has a Cozy told me that the Cozy's max speed is 100mph.I would like to hear from someone with a VariEze.
deploy the landing brake on final if you deploy on base it can take you for a ride with a cross wind. I found that out when I was a nebie.

Hangar Flying / Re: Looking for Help in Buying My Dream
« on: June 26, 2008, 03:47:56 PM »
 Wasnt the Veri Ez down rated to 2.5 g limits after Andreas Christeau found corrosion in his wing fittings and after he was doing a steady regiment of airobatic manuvers. I believe this was back in 04. Aside from that Mike never had a wing structural failure. He had an electrical fire. Mike I hope you get another plane. I have a really rough project if your interested it has about 700 flight hours on it. its really rough. I just thought Id offer I will eventually get around to fixing it up.
 Did you have a recent incident with your plane in seattle. Or was that just a rumor?

David Hanson
N440ez Veri ez
N220ez Veri Ez
N440DH SQ 2000   

For Sale/Wanted / Re: Terra TRT250 transponder for sale
« on: June 12, 2008, 12:35:47 PM »
If you havent sold this Transponder please call me 724 614 9046
david hanson

For Sale/Wanted / Re: WANTED: Long EZ Long Nose Plans
« on: June 12, 2008, 12:31:49 PM »
I assume you have seen Erics site with the long nose. Just get some foam and give it a try. Its not as bad as you think of course you might do it a few times before you like it. I also have pictures on phil camardas site. Good luck and have fun.
david hanson

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